Things I want:
- Elliptical,
- Lasik eye surgery,
- New AC
- New computer
- New haircut
- Gym membership with daycare
- Iron cast pots
- Enough time to sleep
The Jury is Still Out
- Parental skills
- Cars
- If I enjoy more to listen to the radio or watch TV
- Where to go on vacation? Somewhere by the sea or mountains?
- Should I stay at home with kids or go to work?
- Are vitamins beneficial for our health (the one from bottle, not food)
- Are teacher’s unions good for community
My Media and My Obsessions
- “Charlie Rose”
- “SNL”
- “This old house”
- “Arthur” cartoon
- “Dancing in a dark” and Bjork
- “Walk to beautiful” documentary
- Ravel, Bolero
- The Tonight Show
- “Open Water” movie
- Phil
- The Simpsons
- Lana Del Ray
- The Wendy Williams Show
Things That Bother Me:
- Easy access to guns. It bothers and scares me that almost everybody can be a gun owner. I come from a place where people don’t have guns except hunters and it works for us. There are no mass shootings. So many lives are lost in this country due to gun violence and there is no real solution. Sadly it is becoming a common thing.
- Big corporations lobbing in Washington DC. It bothers me because big money can buy and change a lot in favor of these companies. Regular people don’t have that kind of power and their problems are rarely addressed.
- Stereotyping and racism. It’s not fair that because of your skin tone you are more likely to be stopped by police and get arrested or even put in death row. It’s not fair that because of your religion people assume you are a terrorist when in fact you are the most peaceful person.
Part II
Easy access to guns
When I first came to the U.S.A I didn’t have any opinion about guns. It was not something I spent time thinking about. I didn’t realized how easy it is to buy a gun. I found out about it after watching reports from gun massacres sites. I also met people who lost close family members due to gun violence. They felt helpless and angry that guns changed their lives forever but nothing in this matter was about to change. I didn’t understand why people need guns and not just some simple ones but also semi automatic ones? Now I think there is deeply rooted gun culture. Some people don’t feel safe. I am not surprise, because I don’t feel safe as well. How can I feel safe when I know that so many people around me have guns? However, I don’t want to own a gun. Recently there was a shooting in a dollar store where I often go with my kids. Somebody died. What’s shocking is that after mass shootings gun sales surge. I often compere European countries to U.S.A. I rarely hear about any shootings there. Countries that had mass shootings (Australia, Great Britain, Germany) changed laws to limit access to guns. That didn’t totally eliminate the problem, but they greatly reduced it.
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