Friday, February 10, 2017

Profile essay interview

            For a profile essay I decided to interview Anna- my mom’s best friend. She is like a part of our family- always supportive and helpful. I know that she had a pretty tough live, but she remains a strong, positive and loving self. She spent almost two decades being separated from her family so she could earn money and improve her daughter’s lives.
            Due to the fact that she lives in Poland the interview was conducted over the phone.  Here are some questions that I asked:
·      Why did you decide to work abroad?
·      How was your family doing when you weren’t with them?
·      How did your typical working day looked like?
·      What kept you going?
·      Do you remember any stories related to your work?
·      What was the worst experience working abroad?
·      What do you think about the choice that you made now?           
Although I thought I knew Anna quite well, I found out some new facts and stories from Anna’s life. I feel confident that I got enough material to write profile essay.

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