Friday, April 7, 2017

Why bother?

  1. The problem that is very important to solve is racism. It is one of the biggest issues that USA and other countries are facing. There are so many people prejudiced against others based on appearance, religion, nationality or sexual orientation. It needs to be faced and solved, because stakes are very high. Racism causes mental issues, depression, as well as fear and anger. It creates distrust and disrespect in society that can escalate into violence. You may say:You don’t think you could ever really do anything about it, do you? Yes, I can. Change starts with our surrounding and us. I should not be blind to racist remarks. I should confront it in a respectful way. Sometimes a meaningful conversation can really make a change. You may still think that it won’t really matter because there are too many people that are stubborn in their stereotypical thinking. My answer is to focus on younger generation and educate them in formal settings like schools but also within our families. Let’s be sensitive about how our kids talk about others. If we hear any warning signs, let’s have a conversation and ask questions like Imagine that you others treat you poorly because of your religion? How would you feel about it? I think that empathy is very effective weapon against racism.

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